
Riakeo Deluxe


  • Artikelnummer: HF-92-2312
  • Schussanzahl: 92
  • Brenndauer: 45 s
  • Kategorie: F2
  • Kaliber: 25/30 mm
  • NEM: 1711 g
  • Gefahrgutklasse: 1.3G

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Artikelnummer: HF-92-2312 Kategorien: ,


Riakeo – Deluxe

92 Schuss Full POWER – Komplettfeuerwerk

Silver spinner tail red strobe, gold spinner tail gold crown, super red strobe tail,
red Dahlia with white strobe, green dahlia with red strobe, orange dahlia with green strobe, skyblue dahlia with gold strobe
super red strobe tail, gold ti willow with red strobe, gold ti-willow tail
Gold ti-willow with green dahlia, gold ti-willow with blue dahlia, gold ti-willow with lemon dahlia, gold ti-willow with red plum
Schusszahl: 92 Schuss
Kaliber: 25/30mm
Effekthöhe: ca. 45m
Brenndauer: ca. 45s
NEM: 1,711kg
Gefahrgutklasse: 1.3G (UN 0335)
Kategorie: F2