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Iskra Neon King


  • Artikelnummer: IMC188-1
  • Schussanzahl: 188
  • Kategorie: F2
  • Brenndauer: 113 s
  • Kaliber: 20/25/30 mm
  • NEM: 1994,8 g
  • Gefahrgutklasse: 1.3G

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Artikelnummer: IMC188-1 Kategorien: ,


Iskra Line – Neon King [Batch 2024]

188 Schuss Verbundfeuerwerk in den Kalibern 20/25/30mm, mit gemischten Effekten und Fächerungen, 2kg Satzmenge und eine Laufzeit über Minuten…absoluter Preis-Leistungs Hammer.


1.) Lemon tail to Lemon peony Grass peony Violet peony

2.) Blue tail to Gold Willow with Gold Strobe;

3.) Red tail to Gold Willow with Gold Strobe

4.) Blue tail to Red peony Blue peony with Gold Strobe

5.) Red tail to Violet peony Grass peony;

6.) Blue tail to Blue peony

7.) Red tail to Violet peony and Grass peony

8.) White strobe tail to White Strobe and Blood Red Stars

9.) Brocade tail to Brocade crown with Dark red stars Green stars

10.) Green Wave Tail;

11.) Violet tail to Lemon Wave with violet stars

12.) Green tail to Silver Chrys

13.) Green tail to Green Strobe with Lemon stars;

14.) Brocade tail to Brocade crown with White Strobe

15.) Green tail to Green stars with Red Strobe

16.) Silver tail to Titanium salute

17.) Gold Strobe tail to Gold Glittering willow with Gold Strobe

18.) Gold Strobe tail to Gold Wave King with grass green and violet stars

19.) Gold Strobe tail to Gold Willow with White Strobe Gold Strobe

20.) Corolla tail to corolla

21.) Red tail to Dark red peony with White Strobe

22.) White Strobe tail to White Glittering Willow

23.) Brocade tail to Brocade crown

24.) White Strobe tail to White Strobe with titanium burst

Brenndauer 113 s
CE-Nummer 2768-F2-0031/2021
Fächerung I, W
Gewicht je VE 15,4 kg
Kaliber 20/25/30mm
Klasse 1.3G
NEM 1994,8 g
Schusszahl 188